Affiliate Disclosure
Our ultimate aim is to create a knowledgeable and reliable resource for you, but maintaining a site like this isn't free - it costs money. From hiring editors and writers to paying the hosting bills, it can get expensive. In the interest of transparency we want to make it 100% clear how we earn money from this website. A lot of the revenue comes from membership, but we do earn money from the use of affiliate links. This means that when someone clicks on these links and makes a purchase, we may receive a commission.
However, it is important for us to tell you that we pride ourselves on being as impartial as possible. If we think something really stinks, we will tell you.
We also strive to provide the most useful and accurate reviews and recommendations for tools, equipment and supplies. Our content is researched extensively and we always welcome feedback from our users. However, prices, listings and product descriptions do sometimes fall out of date. Please shop wisely, and let us know if there's something we should take another look at.